St. John's Port Rowan 46 Front Street Port Rowan Ontario, N0E 1M0 Service: Sunday 10am The history of this church begins in the War of 1812. Anglicans living in the area were called to support the spiritual needs of the British naval ratings on British ships. Their presence was due to Long Point being a naval base for the British army. The first permanent rector of Port Rowan was the Reverend William Wood. He was sent to Port Rowan in 1855 as a Catechist to establish a permanent parish, not just one for war time. He was ordained a priest in 1858. This community gathered in a rectangular brick courthouse until 1858 when a small frame church was built. The building was consecrated by Bishop Cronyn on April 29th, 1862.
(Barrett, Harry B., The Parish of St. Paul's: A view from the back pew, p. 72-5) While we are used to regular, weekly services today, the church didn't always operate with such steady rhythm. It was quite common for there to be one clergy for many churches. These priests would ride on horseback, or horse and buggy, to get to the churches. This meant that communion would happen every once in a while, and weddings and baptisms whenever the priest was available. We are blessed to share in this history. |