Rwanda Outreach Project
For the past 10 years we have been supporting in various ways, a school construction project in a remote Rwanda Village called Vunga Vocational Training Center. Our main support is sponsoring two students in poverty. We also have had members of the congregation visit and share skills with the staff and students. We are very proud of the progress this project has accomplished in a very short time. It has gone from an empty field to a facility with classrooms, carpentry building, large cafeteria, library, teacher's residence and student's residence. Students can access classes in Tailoring, Carpentry, Masonry, Hairdressing and Aesthetics, Welding and General Farming.
For the past 10 years we have been supporting in various ways, a school construction project in a remote Rwanda Village called Vunga Vocational Training Center. Our main support is sponsoring two students in poverty. We also have had members of the congregation visit and share skills with the staff and students. We are very proud of the progress this project has accomplished in a very short time. It has gone from an empty field to a facility with classrooms, carpentry building, large cafeteria, library, teacher's residence and student's residence. Students can access classes in Tailoring, Carpentry, Masonry, Hairdressing and Aesthetics, Welding and General Farming.